
We have visitors!

Friday afternoon my family and me had the pleasure to receive our two beautiful (second) cousins Alice & Marie for a sleepover!

It was super duper fun! We had a wonderful time. When they arrived, we played Just Dance 4 on the Wii. Because I'm not in such good shape, I was already exhausted after only two songs/dance routines. Woopsie :) It was a little bit confronting to me, so I made a promise to myself that I need to work on that! ASAP! So, I guess I'll be doing a lot of these dance routines in the future. Go me! After our little dance session, we helped my mom to make dinner.On the menu: homemade burgers with french fries (not homemade). It was just delicious! Homemade burgers are the best. Made me think of our time in the USA, where we ate the most delicious burgers in the whole wide world. And that, ladies & gents, makes me want to go back. Back to that wonderful place, where I had the best time of my life! But more of that later, ... So, after dinner, my two cousins showed us two dance routines & one of them was pretty HIGHlarious. I filmed it, but I think the camera didn't save it, so I guess that I lost it? I'm sure that, when they visit us again, they wouldn't mind doing that little routine once again so that I can film it properly then. When they do, I upload it on my blog. Like I said, it was hilarious, so I will do my best to make it happen! After that, we did the dishes and after that we did a little kitchen dance party! My blog is called 'Kitchen Dance Parties' so you can already guess that I really LOVE those kitchen dance parties. There's nothing special about it, really. They just make me really happy! You are with the people you love and you play the music you love and you just dance your whole heart out. Doesn't matter if it is good or bad dancing. You just, dance! That's the beauty of it all. And after that you just feel really liberated. Yes, I'm all for those kitchen dances! And I think that you should also try it! And take pictures, like I did. I wanna see them :) Project: Kitchen Dance Parties. I already like it! After our party in the kitchen, we watched a little tv & then we went to bed.

The next day we went to the market and we bought a delicious waffle. And we saw two dogs with a bouquet of flowers in their mouth. Everyone there was looking at them and taking pictures, of course, so did I. :) When we had everything that we needed, we went back home & it was time for Alice & Marie (my two cousins) to go home. A pity, because we all wanted them to stay longer :)

All in all we had an amazing time & I hope that we will be seeing them again soon. How sooner, the better!

Ow yeah - during our kitchen dance party, we danced on Rudimental's Waiting all night. Nice beat for a good late night kitchen dance! ;)